I was out of the house on Saturday morning before Miss Piggy and Junior awoke, in the hope I could get a few hours birding in before the start of Miss Piggy’s weekend of fun. I headed straight to the Brigg. Over the next few hours clouds gave way to sunshine and it turned out to be a cracking morning, the waves crashing into the Brigg making it spectacularly so. I enjoyed the company of two other sea watchers during my stay, although one guy was more into the photography side than the actual birding so I will be keen to see his images from the morning.
Check out his website @ www.yorkshireartphotography.co.uk which I have added a link to.

It started well with a good movement of Red Throated Diver and I had a Great Skua within minutes of setting my scope up, but as the clouds parted it seemed the more scarce sea birds just dried up. Gannets were constant and the odd Sandwich Tern put in an appearance but the single skua already mentioned was it, and no sightings of any shearwaters? Lapland Buntings had been seen further up along the cliff top and as much as fancied scouring the area it was time to head back. I did walk the long way back which took in part of the area they had been seen within, but to no avail. The numbers that have been recorded in the Western Isles though recently makes me think there will be other opportunities to catch up with this species in the coming months as they gradually disperse.

The bonus sighting of the weekend came when I wasn’t actually meant to be bird watching. The last time we went to Hornsea Mere we were literally just stopping off but Junior had fancied a go in the rowing boats, always the peacemaker, a ride was promised the next time we came to the east coast, hence our visit this time around. Steve Redgrave can sleep easy in the knowledge that I won’t be a threat to his record anyway. It was knackering. Junior loved it though so I suppose that was the main thing. As we headed back to the car though, a few birders looked poised, and not one to miss out I got my binoculars and headed straight over. They were on a Snow Bunting, it was a cracker too, the local Pied Wagtails wouldn’t let it settle though and it eventually took to the air flew out of view. It was one of those ‘right place at the right time’ sightings.
Sunday I was off early to meet a friend of mine, Mick, in Bridlington for the RSPB Skua and Shearwater cruise which heads out on the Yorkshire Belle. The weather was awful; anyone who saw us queuing up at 8-30am in Bridlington Harbour in the pouring rain must have thought we were out of our minds.
Sooty Shearwater

Arctic Skua

A Great Skua (bottom right) harassing gulls

As we got out beyond Flamborough Head the rain did start to bait but it remained very overcast the entire trip. The birding was good though, with 3 Sooty Shearwaters, 2 Great Skua’s and 1 Arctic Skua being the birds of note with Pink Footed Goose, Red Throated Diver, Sandwich Tern and Common Scoter also being seen. Gannet’s were plentiful and Great backed Black Gulls were constant, hanging around for fish scraps, which were being thrown in to draw the birds closer.

Waiting to plunge in!

Great Black Backed Gull - Adult


One bird of interest, which followed the boat for a short while, was an adult Herring Gull, this bird though showed characteristics of the Scandinavian race Argentatus, which are a slightly darker tone of grey (albeit on a very dull day) and show less black to the tip of the wings in contrast to larger white patches on the finger tips? The hardcore gull enthusiasts out there might disagree though? A few of the photos hopefully capture some of the characteristics mentioned so it’s out there for debate!
Possible Scandinavian Herring Gull?

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