If I’ve learnt one thing though this weekend, it’s that I need to brush up on Dragonflies and Damselflies. They were buzzing around the paths to the hides and in most cases offering good photo opportunities, but a book is needed I think? When it comes to nature I am always up for broadening my horizons so will get swatting and hopefully strengthen this chink in my armoury! Like a fool I walked obliviously past the bookshelves on my way out where I’m sure there would have been a book to answer all my questions? I will post the photos anyway but will welcome any identification advice. Think one of them is a Common Darter but that’s as far as I’m prepared to stick my neck out?

Not sure what this is either?

Red Admiral

After that I headed to the area of Langsett where the pair of Black Redstarts had been seen a few days before, I hung around for an hour or so but the windy conditions made sure I was always against it so I came away windswept and empty handed, anything with a brain would have been out of the way sheltering. Plenty of Meadow Pipits and Swallows went over but other than that it was fairly quiet.


Time was still on my hands and apart from the wind it was a very nice day so I decided upon a lap of Scout Dike before returning home. Again, not a vast amount of birds but a pair of Greenshank and a Yellow Wagtail made up the quality where the quantity was lacking.
A juvenile Pied Wagtail

A record shot of the Yellow Wagtail which was loosely associating with its pied cousins.

Scout Dike

Post your dragonfly and damselfly pics on the Huddersfield BC forum and you'll quickly get some id advice.
ReplyDeleteI'm not good on these either but would recommend "Field Guide to the Dragonflies and Damselflies of GB and Ireland" by Steve Brooks. RSPB or Amazon (cheaper) will supply a copy.
Alf King
I got drown in to Dragonflies late this year and I am loving every minute of it hope you do too. The top to me looks like a Male Ruddy Darter told by the nice red colour and the pinched in abdomen giving it a club tail like appearance with reddish pterostigmas [dark marks on wings]. The middle one is a Common Darter [age/sex??] and the bottom is a Male Emerald Damselfly, all common at this time of year. Hope this helps
ReplyDelete> Huddsbirder
That helps immensely. Many thanks both of you. You learn something new every day! The book is ordered Alf so I will get revising when it comes. Hopefully I can track down a few more species and take it from there. 2011 could see the start of a life list!!!
ReplyDeletePterostigmas is a great word too! Very prehistoric, I like it!
ReplyDeleteHi, entertaining read. You could also have a look at http://www.surfbirds.com/dragonfly-guide.html